From a very young age, it was drilled in us children – by our parents, that education is important.
Without education, there is no progress.
Without education, you wouldn’t be sitting in front of your computer or phone reading this because the internet might not have come into existence.
Education doesn’t make someone smart, it allows a person to question and be curious while giving the tools to research that curiosity and learn.
But for many girls around the world, education is a luxury. There are many reasons that girls have to give up secondary education – child labor, early marriage, political conflicts, costs, the girl’s health, or even just gender bias that a girl should not receive any more education because she is a girl.
I don’t believe that a girl’s education should be sacrificed, especially when girls can prove to do so much for the community they live in.
That is why at Bee Threadly, we are committed to helping girls education and will donate profits (20%) to organizations that have the same mission and are making a difference right now.
Our current donations are going to the Malala Fund. You can read more about their work here.